Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Connections and Fears

Everyday we meet new people, experience new situations, feel different emotions, and learn from the way we do things. We all have fears. We all ask the question of what if. But, what if we all faced our fears, and we all stopped asking what if? What if we let our heart decide?

There are 6,697,254,041 people on this planet. There are 307,006,550 people in the United States alone. People are all around us and they are easy to meet. That said, it is rare that one encounters another being that they feel a connection with. We live our whole lives looking for a mate, partner, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife to fill a void that we feel when alone. We look for that spark, or in other words a connection with another. For me a connection with a person is more important than the way a person looks or what their social status is. A connection can sometimes be hard to come across but when one does it feels amazing. That amazing feeling comes from being comfortable around someone, someone making you laugh, the ease of just sitting in the same room together in silence and not worrying about what to say. It comes from the perfect kiss, being the perfect fit while cuddling, and the ease of conversation. The connection is the easy part when two people are presented to each other that connect well. It's like polar attraction, positive with negative, like magnets. The hard part though is dealing with the connection. Sometimes people get scared and start worrying about what may happen in the future instead of focusing on what is happening in the present. At this point the emotions come into play. Emotions start to build and break down, and feelings ultimately develop, get hurt, or grow stronger. If a connection is what people want, then why do they give it up when its put in front of them because they are scared of what may happen?

Being scared and having fears is a part of life. I promised myself a long time ago that I would never let my fears of what may happen hinder the way I live my life. We must face our fears because in order to experience life to its full potential we must take chances. It should be a goal to want to meet as many people as possible and experience the new. I know that when I leave this life I want people to know that I lived my life and that I was happy while living it. NO REGRETS! This may be naieve, but at least I'll never look back and ask myself "What if I would have done this differently?" I'll be able to say the I connected with who I was suppose to connect with. I'll be able to be happy with my decisions and how my life panned out because at one point I was happy with what I decided or who I met.

My biggest fears in life are as follows; 1. The fear of being alone 2. The fear of being a failure 3. The fear of not knowing. 4. Sharks 5. The Ocean 6. Heights 7. Myself. I am working to defeat them as I type this post. I'm not going to let myself be alone, be a failure, or not know. I'm going to find the love of my life, be successful, and know all that is to know.I'm going to swim with sharks, explore the ocean and go sky diving. Most of all I'm gonna face myself for the person I am. I'm going to forget the past, live in the present, and look to the future. Not once will I ever again look back and tell myself I should have said something differently, or that I should have done something a different way. I'm living for me and without trust in myself and the person I am I'll never grow as an individual. I'm going to let my heart decide, and my heart is big and full of love, so hopefully it will guide me in the right path.

If you can live another day in fear, live in regret, and live not knowing, then you aren't living at all. Face your fears. Grab life by its balls and let it know who is boss. Live for you, not for what may happen. Find your connections. Find yourself. Love the person you are and the people that make you happy.


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